Friday, April 16, 2021

So a crew of drywall guys cavorted with a stripper?


This is what passes for a big story at CBC News. A subcontractor to a subcontractor at Mattamy Homes, one of Canada's biggest property developers, sought to reward their drywall crew for a job well done. I would provide you with a link, but apparently my link-providing privileges have been suspended. Best to go to CBC and see for yourself.

What got my dander up is not the stripper angle, but the assumption that everybody in the drywall trade is a card-carrying misogynist. I know for a fact that one of the tough chicks who came through my shop back in my shop teacher days is slinging drywall to this day, and she makes a good living and is held in high regard by her colleagues. 

CBC would have had a much better story if they'd asked someone like her what they thought about the strippers.

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