Monday, February 14, 2022

Why the Ambassador Bridge is open but Ottawa is not

As I predicted, "inconveniences" that cost rich people money can't be ignored for long in our society. Lockdowns generally inconvenienced only the peons while making the rich richer, hence no complaints from the plutocrats.

Ergo, the Ambassador Bridge is open less than a week after being shut down.

After three weeks the Ottawa occupation, on the other hand, isn't inconveniencing anyone of importance or inflicting financial pain on the rich. Dragging it out helps Justin's agenda of pitting various sub-groups of inconsequential people against one another. 

In that mission he has the full support of our legacy media. Although the protests were triggered by the federal government's incoherent, inconsistent, and manifestly non-scientific vaccine mandates (where's the science that proves unvaccinated long-distance truckers are more of a risk than unvaccinated teachers or nurses?), media immediately began a smear campaign to change the narrative.

Now the Freedom Convoy is about white supremacy and anti-semitism! Of course it is! 

If the CBC and the Globe & Mail say so, it must be true!

1 comment:

  1. If, before undertaking some action, you must obtain the permission of society—you are not free, whether such permission is granted to you or not. Only a slave acts on permission. A permission is not a right.
    Ayn Rand
