Sunday, December 25, 2022

Elon Musk and the Great (Twitter) Reset

If you've been paying attention, you've figured out what Musk got for the 44 billions he overpaid for Twitter; the once-in-a-lifetime chance to make the so-called "liberal establishment" poop their collective drawers. Seems our deep state betters have literally been calling the shots at Twitter and the other social media behemoths for years. You've been getting all the news approved by Washington's alphabet soup of spook agencies - and none of the news they'd rather you not see! That's gotta hurt if you're one of the gullible who still believe, against all evidence, that mainstream media are committed to truth and transparency. There's way too much sewage bubbling to the surface now for the gate-keepers to hold it back. Alas, it's a mistake to assume that Musk is a fresh broom sweeping out the "deep state." Musk is himself an integral part of the show. He's the point-man for a deep state rebranding exercise. What, you thought an outsider was going to be allowed to take over the privatized US space program? Not likely!

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