Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Stupified by our own stupidity

I see where the latest off-broadway production in democracy theatre has ended its run. The Jan 6 show was an embarrassing attempt to promote the twin theses that a) America is a democracy, and b) Donald Trump remains a grave threat to said democracy. First of all, America's democracy bona fides are somewhat lacking. This is not democracy. This is a leadership clique comprised of the best and the brightest of career politicians and the best and the brightest in tech, academia, big business, and the military-industrial complex looking to curry favour. "Best and brightest" is of course a euphemism for best funded and favoured by the Davos crowd. In other words, the textbook definition of a fascist state. If the American public can't see that, what else can't they see? A lot of them haven't even figured out Trump is just part of the show. Nor have they figured out that the Zelensky fever that engulfed the free world these last 10 months has been a PR campaign of epic proportions, run by folks who otherwise might be coaxing you to buy a Toyota or a Big Mac. It's all PR and bullshit, folks, brought to you by the usual crowd of corrupt corporate lobbyists shilling for the Big Five defense contractors. The defence lobbyists even sponsored a party at the Ukr embassy in Washington last week. Why not? Ukraine's war has been an absolute bonanza for them! For Ukraine, not so much.

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