Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Animals I've seen from the stoop

We have multiple bird-feeders hanging nearby the stoop, so we see birds galore. We get the big boys too, the ones who don't bother with the feeders. Like buzzards, herons, and sandhill cranes. Ducks and geese are so common they're just background noise. Cows, of course. The cow-calf pairs show up in May, and migrate back to their home barn come October. Saw a black bear gamboling along the creek one year. Crossed the road and went into the other pasture where the aforementioned cows were grazing with their babies. That was a sight to behold! The Mama cows split into two groups when Mr. Bear climbed over the fence. One group gathered up the calves while the rest put the run to the bear. Squirrels and chipmunks are a daily occurrence. I think there's also a rat that tries to blend in with them, but the skinny tail gives him away. And never mind seeing raccoons - they've come right up on the stoop to keep me company! Most years you don't see the snapping turtles from here, but every three or four years or so you'll get one burying her eggs right there at the end of the driveway. Usually it doesn't take long for the raccoons to dig them up. But the one thing I've never seen until tonight is a rabbit. I see them often on my daily walks, but I've never actually had one right by the house, but there he was. Which reminds me... it's been a long time since I've seen a coyote.

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