Monday, June 26, 2023

Russia is winning, NATO is losing, Ukraine is paying the price

The “counter-offensive” is approaching its one month anniversary. The Ukrainian casualty count is approaching 100,00 killed and wounded in that time. We are told this is a “success” because Ukraine has “liberated” several hundred square kilometers of occupied territory. We know this to be true because we regularly see pictures of Ukrainian troops hoisting their flag over formerly occupied villages. What we are not told by CBC or The Globe and Mail is that these villages are in the no-man’s-land well outside the forward Russian defensive line. In almost a month of counter-offensive, the Ukrainian forces have failed to reach that line, let alone breach it. The counter-offensive has been a catastrophic failure. It’s time to walk away from the ludicrous “whatever it takes for as long as it takes” rhetoric that has marked Canada’s approach to this war. While our military support has been largely irrelevant, the $8Billion + financial commitment has only served to prolong it. The further we help prolong it, the more Ukrainian conscripts are slaughtered. We are part of the problem that is breathing life into the cliché that NATO intends to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian. This policy is costing Ukrainian lives by the thousands. Our NATO game-changing weaponry is being revealed as not fit for purpose. Russia is winning. NATO is losing. Ukrainians are paying the price. Stop the slaughter now!

1 comment:

  1. Trump's first question in 2016 was "Why does NATO still exist?" He wanted to get rid of it. Indeed, General "Wokester" Milley double-crossed him on withdrawing from Syria. NATO has DOUBLED in size after the fall of the Soviet Union. Why is it still there, other than to funnel money to generals and politicians. Nothing more.
