Friday, October 14, 2011

Lets NOT bomb Iran, not just yet anyway...

Oh my!...

Seems like all the main sources of info on this Iranian plot to bomb the Saudi ambassador were already tied into various US intelligence agencies.

That Mexican drug cartel connection always sounded a bit dubious, didn't it? Muslim fundamentalists and Christian drug runners making common cause to destroy America?  Hmmm....  How retarded would you have to be to fall for that? I guess the spin-meisters in the Pentagon think we're all pretty retarded.

Which is not to say we shouldn't bomb Iran. After all, they've been practically begging for the two thousand pound bunker-busters, haven't they? Any towel-heads anywhere in the world who think they have a right to nuclear anything are asking for the B-52 bombing runs, if you ask me.

So between bombing Iran and invading Uganda and doing the mop-ups in the last two or three invasions that seem to linger, we are gonna have military employment opportunities for years to come.

Obama's real job plan.

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