Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Operation Proteus and how Canadian aid to Palestinians is really a subsidy for Israeli security services

There has been a lot of  hoo-ha about Canada's much-vaunted $300 million in aid to Palestine over the past five years.

When the uppity Palestinians went to the UN General Assembly to seek "state status" after having been told not to by their immediate betters, the government of Israel, and their real uber-lords in Washington, the me-too yappy dogs in Ottawa were keen to show that they mean business and are now threatening to withhold further "aid" to Palestine.

Here's  where the lion's share of that "aid" goes; training the Palestinian security forces.

To do what?

To do Israel's dirty work in the West Bank.

That's "aid" to Palestine?

1 comment:

  1. It used to be a nice country to live in. I immigrated during the Viet Nam War and spent all of my productive, tax paying years there. I even raised my kids on moose meat and the NDP. Since Harper got his majority, I have self-emigrated to Mexico. (Who votes pro-Palestine in the UN.)

    Adios, Albertans.
