Sunday, January 27, 2013

Americans deserve more than one right

Mind you, the one they still have is a good one, and I hope they manage to hang onto it.

But being an American should give you more rights than the right to bear arms.

There's a lot of hysteria being fanned by folks with a vested interest in making you forget that you should have more than that one right. It's as though as long as you can hang onto your gun everything else is hunky dory.

So while you're sitting under that overpass, jobless, homeless, kids in foster care, as long as they let you keep your Bushmaster with the 30 round clip things are fine. Besides, you'll need it to defend yourself from the government...

Think that one through. The patriots who think they're going to take on the government with an AR-15 could learn a lesson from the patriots in Afghanistan and Yemen. When the government of the USA comes to get you, it'll be with a Hellfire missile from 30,000 feet. Won't much matter if you've got the 10 round or the 30 round clip on that baby. Nor will it matter if you've got the latest hardware or a vintage 12 gauge side-by-side.

But in the meantime, you could give some thought to demanding a few rights besides that one.

In the richest country in the world, should it not be possible for every citizen to have the right to a roof over their head?

Shouldn't every American have the right to go to sleep every night without feeling hunger?

How about the right of your children to get an education?

Getting health care when you're sick might be a right to consider.

Or the right to a job with a wage that provides a dignified standard of living to you and your family.

The right to live out your life in peace and security in your old age would be a welcome addition.

Think big, America! You are the richest and most powerful nation in history. You deserve so much more than the right to bear arms!

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