Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mali evil-doers take refuge among civilians

Apparently this is holding back the forces of Hollande the Conqueror.

The Nations of Virtue have not figured out that by definition this is what a guerrilla army does. The French have known this at least since their meddling in Indochina sixty years ago, meddling that eventually led to what Americans know as "the Viet Nam War."

But it's certainly a relief to know that the French crusaders will absolutely not fire if they are not absolutely sure that their targets are rebels and not civilians.

Which is at odds with Western media reports that at least a dozen civilians died in the first 24 hours of the Hollande "I'm gonna finally earn my spurs" action. Non-Western media are already putting civilian casualties in the hundreds.

Will the rebels hide among the civilian population? Of course. While we in the Nations of Virtue may protest that this offends our sense of fair play, we are reluctant to extend that "fair play" agenda to the enemy.

As in Libya, we consider it "fair play" when the most powerful nations in history unleash bombing campaigns against countries with no air force and no air defenses.

But the "bad guys" have the temerity to hide among the civilian population?

Our hypocrisy knows no bounds.

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