Sunday, December 22, 2019

Canada flirts with fascism

There's a reason you don't see news coverage of popular protests in France and Chile in Canadian mainstream media. The powers that be wouldn't want the rabble to get any ideas.

As in France and Chile, ordinary paycheque-to-paycheque working Canadians are steadily seeing their standard of living erode. The Trudeau government does a good job of hiding its reactionary essence beneath a patina of progressive rhetoric, which has thus far succeeded in fooling most of the people most of the time, but for how much longer?

The federal government seems to have made peace with Quebec's blatantly racist Bill 21. We're keen on calling out human rights violations in Venezuela or China, but we wouldn't want to offend Quebec.

Trudeau can't apologize enough for Canada's history of genocidal treatment of native people. The concept of "nation-to-nation" negotiations gets lots of lip service but doesn't happen. Trudeau's government is determined to force both the Coastal GasLink and the TransCanada bitumen pipelines through unceded native land, native sovereignty be damned.

Just how determined was revealed in this Guardian headline the other day; Canada police prepared to shoot Indigenous activists. Of course they are; we've done it before, and, Trudeau's crocodile tears aside, we'll do it again if we have to.

Whether we "have to" or not will be determined by the level of resistance to these egregious violations of native sovereignty. The Trudeau government is 100% working for the corporate interests who will benefit from those pipelines, not for the Indians, not for the population at large, and not for the environment.

Token protests will be permitted. We do enjoy free speech in this country, after all. However, anyone who takes things too far will have the opportunity to explain themselves to an RCMP sniper.

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