Thursday, December 19, 2019

Why the White Helmets are untouchable

Trudeau's foreign policy is really Uncle Sam's foreign policy writ small. We've known that for some time. In fact, there are exactly zero examples of the folks in Ottawa diverging from US foreign policy in the PM Fluffy era.

America's little brother is tasked with doing stuff that Trump himself is loathe to do.

Like rolling out the red carpet for those bold humanitarians, the White Helmets. As you may recall, those are the folks in Syria who worked exclusively in the areas controlled by the radical Islamist head-choppers, who provided Western media with a steady stream of evidence of Assad's war crimes.

There's a reason Western media had to rely on the White Helmets for news about Syria. Sending their own reporters into combat zones meant certain death. Not at the hand of the Assad regime, but at the hands of the "freedom fighters."

It's instructive that while Israel, Jordan, and the US declined the opportunity to give sanctuary to any of these folks, Chrystia Freeland welcomed them to Canada.

The latest controversy around the White Helmets has sprouted up around the OPCW scandal. This hails back to the alleged Douma gas attack. There were a handful of MSM journos who pegged that as bullshit from the get-go. Robert Fisk of The Independent comes to mind.

If the Douma gas attack was indeed faked, as more and more mainstream journalists are saying, we are left with an awkward question.

The White Helmets showed us video of over forty dead victims of that alleged gas attack. If the gas attack was faked, where did those dead folks come from?

There's a reason the Globe and Mail and the CBC haven't said a word about the OPCW scandal. To acknowledge that would be to acknowledge that our Foreign Minister allowed dozens, if not hundreds, of hard-core Islamic terrorists into the country.

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