Monday, December 9, 2019

The American Plan

Went to a Christmas get-together on the weekend. This is an annual event in Waterloo and quite often it's the only time I'll see some of these folks in the course of the year.

I must say it's such a cool thing to see how the younger generation is faring out. There's a gaggle of them well into the upper reaches of the post-secondary education system. And they're pretty much all taking useful stuff that will lead to gainful employment.

That's a common thread among many immigrant families, regardless of where they hail from. There's a big push to get your kids as much education as possible.

Then there's the outliers, like my nephew Sam.

Sam probably could have done without any post-secondary at all, but he felt the pressure. Sam's a bit of an outdoorsy guy and a free spirit to boot, and lucky for him, he found a legit college somewhere in Utah where they "teach" you the ins and outs of abseiling and freeclimbing.

In other words, college is one non-stop outdoor adventure trip.

Seemed to suit young Sam just fine. This diploma apparently qualifies him to work at ski resorts in the winter and at exclusive fishing resorts in the summer.

By "exclusive" I mean a thousand bucks a day for a one week stay at a fly-in resort in the North West Territories.  Accommodation and all meals included.

And the fishing, of course.

They call that the "American Plan."

Pretty sure Sam is having way more fun than the rest of them.

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