Wednesday, January 23, 2019

After twenty years of relentless hostility from US, Venezuela endgame in play

It's simply amazing to witness how the US, a nation politically paralyzed for the past two years because Putin's minions allegedly interfered in its democracy with hostile Facebook posts, has absolutely no qualms about interfering in Venezuela on a massive scale. Facebook adverts are quite a different matter than having VP Pence openly call for a military coup against the lawful government of Venezuela.

US sanctions have succeeded in "making the economy scream," a turn of phrase coined by Henry Kissinger back when the US was busy overthrowing the democratically elected government of Chile. There is an entire generation in Venezuela that has come of age knowing nothing but US sanctions.

Unfortunately for all concerned, the "end game" is unlikely to be the end of anything, but rather, the beginning of something that should be obvious to the Gods of War in Washington if they weren't blinded by their own propaganda. Namely, any government seen as imposed by the Yanqui is going to face massive popular resistance. Maduro may be deposed, but Chavismo will get a second wind, and not only in Venezuela.

After the successes that US regime-change campaigns in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria have enjoyed this century, you'd think that the Exceptional Nation might pause and consider the consequences of its actions, but apparently this is not a requirement when you're exceptional.

And what's truly embarrassing is how keen our Freeland-Trudeau team are to ingratiate themselves with the war-mongers in DC. We used to have a PM Trudeau who charted an independent course for Canada.

Pierre must be spinning in his grave.

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