Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Canada introduces its own Ministry of Truth

They're not calling it that, though.

In an attempt to freshen up what is somewhat of a dated concept, it's the "Critical Election Incident Protocol Group" instead. They'll be tasked with spotting the hanky-panky that the Ruskies will inevitably try to pull just like when they interfered in the 2016 US election and put Trump in the White House...

Mueller's going to get to the bottom of that can 'o worms any day now...

Wait a minute. Didn't Trump lose that election by three million votes? And didn't the Electoral College put him in the Oval Office anyway? So what's all the hoo-ha about Russia?

Did they infiltrate the Electoral College?

Anyway, this new body is going to keep an eye out for misinformation and disinformation and YouTube videos that go viral, and give the populace a heads up.

Since we're part of NATO, not to mention that special "Five Eyes" club  of Uncle Sam's besties, I'm guessing that US and NATO propaganda will get the "Approved Grade A Truth" label, and anything that contradicts it will be dismissed as misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda.

Good to know our government is working so hard to keep our democracy safe.

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