Thursday, January 24, 2019

More weasel-speak from Justin Trudeau

PM Fluffy held one of his "Town Hall" meetings the other day, and a member of the audience who has obviously been frequenting news media not on the Atlantic Council's approved list asked why Canada was adamant that the Maduro government is illegitimate but we're hunky-dory with the election of Bolsonaro next door.

Trudeau replies with a rousing paean to freedom and democracy and human rights, but never gets around to answering the question. Nevertheless, he is heartily cheered by the crowd, who obviously do get their news from approved news sites.

Justin's got his act down. Whenever there's an awkward question he'd rather avoid, you're treated to a barrage of hokum about human rights and our feminist foreign policy, blahblahblah, and that generally seems to appease the audience.

The general public doesn't seem to see through the fakery. Why are Iran's human rights violations so over-the-top that we can't have an embassy there, but Saudi Arabia's even more over-the-top human rights violations might warrant a disapproving tweet but are otherwise no big deal?

Justin can tell us with a straight face that we need to get more of our dirty oil to export markets so we can meet our climate change obligations, and people lap it up!

You must admit, he's good at saying stuff people want to hear...

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