Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Retarded headline of the day

New hope for peace in Afghanistan, but does it mean the Taliban has won?

Huh? Oh no it doesn't... of course not! The Nations of Virtue have been winning non-stop since 2001!

I was reading today on some lefty website of dubious provenance (probably a Russian front) that the trillions squandered in the Afghan war would have erased the student loans, credit card debt, and mortgages of every living, breathing American.

So what, I say... just think of the irreparable damage such a state of affairs would have done to the profits of the big "defence" contractors. That would even cause unemployment! Those pinko-faggy Russia-loving peaceniks don't even care if Americans have jobs!

So thank God we've had sound America-first leadership in the Promised Land...


At least we did have till 45 threatened to pull half the US troop contingent out of Afghanistan. That Trumpian brain-fart sure got the punditariat riled up, didn't it!


I even read a comment somewhere explaining that since we went into Afghanistan to liberate women, and they're still second-class citizens in their own country but Trump wants to pull the plug, we've got MORE PROOF TRUMP HATES WOMEN!!!


Here's a blast from the past... so far in the past it hails from a time Ron Paul still made headlines.

Had we heeded Paul's advice then, just think of the hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives that would have been saved since.

But alas, just think of how flat the earnings curve would look at the big "defence" contractors.

Thankfully, Paul's advice went into the dustbin of history along with Paul, and in the fullness of time I'm sure Trump's traitorous fantasies will be nixed by those adults in the room, and those plump profits accruing to the merchants of death will be safe and secure for the next thousand years...

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