Saturday, January 5, 2019

If Louis C.K. can make a comeback, Tony Clement can too

Spent the afternoon hiking with the hounds. The Bruce Trail folks bought the neighbour's place last year, and they've blazed some fresh trails through that property that hook up with the trail that already runs up the escarpment along the Cole Sideroad. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon when we set out, and getting dark when we arrived home.

I've hiked that area numerous times over the years, long before they put in an official trail. They've cleared a path through the Hawthornes that have taken over the meadows on your way up the escarpment.

The escarpment trail itself is somewhat challenging. It's not for the first time hiker, nor is it for fourteen year old dogs. While you don't have to do any actual rock-climbing, it gets pretty dicey at points.

So I get back home and click on the news and... guess who's back?

Tony Clement! Yup, the veteran right-winger, alum of both the Mean Mike Harris cabinet and the Harper gang, figures the country needs more public service from him. You'll recall that Tony disappeared into the mists of opprobrium when it was revealed that the esteemed Tory member was revealing pictures of his member to certain of his Instagram followers not that long ago.

Well, I say welcome back Tony! We've all made mistakes...

Hell, if Louis C.K. deserves another chance, so do you.

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