Friday, May 31, 2019

Hey Fluffy, wake up!!!

Dear Justin,

My children are smart and hard working. They were brought up right. They embrace diversity. They are tolerant out the ying-yang...

But they can't afford to live in Toronto.

Justin, Canada doesn't need a housing policy, it needs affordable housing. Your feeble excuse at making a policy, "a place to call home," is complete and utter bullshit. It has not provided one single affordable home anywhere in the land, and it's quite obviously not intended to.

Instead, your "housing policy" is about optics. I saw you on TV yesterday counselling Mike Pence on women's rights. That's very nice, Justin, but you need to know that Canadians have priorities that rise above the question of where an American woman might get an abortion.

Like having a place to live.

As I leaf through my Globe and Mail real estate section today, the lowest priced property featured is a two bed, one bath 750 foot condo that sold for over $600,000. Assuming they could cough up the 10% down, my children would be looking at a mortgage payment of over $3,000/month, plus condo fees, plus taxes, plus utilities.

My hard-working and diversity-embracing children are saddled with huge student loan debt, thanks to your failure to provide affordable education. Now they are expected to pay $4,000 a month for a place of their own? And that's a 750 square foot apartment?

That just doesn't work, Justin!

So tone down your relentless virtue-signalling. Ya, we all care about abortion rights in Louisiana. We all care about democracy in Venezuela.

But seriously, Justin, we care way more about having a roof. Please give that some attention.



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