Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Donald beats Jesus to second coming

Although, to be fair, in Trump's case it's just the second coming of impeachment.

I don't get it. The Democrats are determined to give Trump yet more bragging rights. I can already hear him boasting to his billionaire pals at Mar-a-Lago; "Ya, and on top of everything else, now I'm in the history books with another presidential first! Greatest president ever! Bigly!"

My hunch is that pretty much everybody involved in this theatre of the absurd is acutely aware of the fraudulence of the entire exercise. It's no secret that actual democracy is long dead in the USA, long ago sold off to the highest bidder. 

Oddly enough, the highest bidders routinely come from the billionaires and the corporate crowd. American democracy is working very well for its owners.

As for the rest of you, sorry about your luck. 

Enjoy the show!

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