Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Another Einstein notices more testing results in more covid

I don't know who Jim Quinn is, but his article at Zerohedge calling out manipulation of covid data seems a winner. At 8 this morning it had over 40k looks. Took my morning walk and it was over 50k by the time I returned, and it's doubled since.

It's been obvious since the beginning of the pandemic that virtually all media have been hyping the fear factor. It's cases, cases, deaths, cases, cases, oh look, another more deadly variant! They'll tell you everything you need to know about case and death counts, but if you want to know test numbers, you're on your own.

That's not by accident.

And of course the vaccines are perfectly safe. Perfectly safe! There is no excuse other than selfishness and/or stupidity why anyone should be vaccine hesitant... 

Oopsie! Here's an embarrassing headline from page A4 of today's Globe and Mail; New data confirm Pfizer, Moderna vaccine link to risk of heart problem.

But it's only a tiny risk, so the vaccine is perfectly safe! Who could possibly be reluctant to get a perfectly safe vaccine that'll give you a few months of partial protection from a virus that over 99% of infected recover from? 

It's time for the pinheads at The Globe and Mail to update the windy axiom that graces the top of their editorial page.

The subject who is truly loyal to the chief magistrate will neither advise nor submit to arbitrary measures unless we say so.

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