Monday, August 2, 2021

Ontario recycles

Of course we do! We were relatively early on the blue-bin bandwagon, if I remember correctly. 

Locally, it's Waste Management Inc. that manages our waste. That subtle yet clever name was chosen by Wayne Huizenga, who built WMI into the biggest recycling company in the world, and it made him so rich he bought the Miami Dolphins, the Marlins, and the Panthers. 

They also collect garbage.

Here they collect the garbage every week, but the recycling only every other week. Today was recycling, so I set out a blue see-through bag, per legal requirements, full of clean glass jars and bottles. I also set out a bag of garbage in a regular green garbage bag.

Got everything out to the curb before seven, like the Township tells us. As fate would have it, I had no appointments, errands, or responsibilities of any kind today, and therefore idled the hours away on the stoop.

Just after noon the WMI truck pulls up. Dude jumps out, throws both bags into the same compactor compartment, and off he goes!

Ontario recycles!

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