Sunday, January 30, 2022

How are things going with Putin's "Freedom Convoy" in Canada?

The elite journos at CBC actually posed that question.

Our legacy media are desperate to disparage the truckers' protest any way they can.

It's pretty much the same story at our national newspaper of record.

I drive into town every day, and fork over $4.20 for my daily Globe and Mail to the Korean Extortionist at the Circle K store. Not that there’s ever $4.20 worth of news in the newspaper, but I gotta stay up to date on which way the wind is blowing amongst Canada’s ruling class.

Those fuckers read The Globe and Mail every day too, and man, I can tell ya honestly, they suffer some serious delusions.

That’s playing out in the public square as I write these words.

The top guns at the Globe were already connecting this weekend to last January 6 in DC two days before the first protester showed up in Ottawa.

The Globe reflects what our “thought leaders”/ elites/ owners/ wish to be the case, and it’s mostly wishful thinking.

In their wishful thinking, the world we have is the best of all possible worlds. More people starving while billionaires get richer is the natural order of things. Only stupid racists would disagree. Therefore, everybody who isn’t happy with our benevolent management of their lives is a domestic terrorist.

And only Putin could engineer such a turn of events.

That’s the level of engagement with the 99% in the pages of The Globe and Mail.

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