Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Those tussles with life

I stepped out on the stoop a few minutes ago, for a breath of fresh air, and in the distance I could see tail-lights trying to negotiate the uphill driveway at the farm a quarter mile to the west.

It's winter. The snow packs hard and turns to ice.

Those tail-lights go half-way up the hill... and then they go down again.

Then up... and down.

Somebody can't get up their driveway.

For them, it's a great piss-off, and in all likelihood, ruining their day.

For me, their predicament provides semi-interesting entertainment for a few minutes.

When you stop and think about it, a lot of life's great piss-offs are like that.

You can get all wound up about shit that, when you back away a bit and take in the big picture, isn't such a big deal in the overall scheme of things.

So when you can't get up the driveway of life, just park at the bottom, walk home, and deal with it in the morning.

After a good night's sleep.

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