Monday, January 31, 2022

Whoopi makes an oopsie

B-list Hollywood has-been and current MSNBC regular Whoopi Goldberg made quite a slip of the tongue the other day, something to the effect the holocaust not being a biggie, because after all, it was just white folks killing other white folks.

Seems it slipped Whoopi's mind for an unfortunate moment that one of those two groups of people happens to own the media-entertainment space. That's the space that butters Whoopi's bread.

Now that's an oopsie! If you're looking for Whoopi next week, check the C-list...

Having said that, I must say she has a point. While she herself has claimed to be Jewish, we, and obviously she, generally consider Jews to be white. Sure, there's a few who look like the racist caricature of a stereotypical Jew, but generally not. 

You can't go by the name, either. Look at my name, for example. Neumann is most often a Lutheran name, but there's plenty of Catholics and Jews with the same handle.

As for the "white" thing, that's a very malleable concept. There was a time when mainstream opinion, which was then Anglo-Saxon opinion, held that Greeks and Italians weren't white.

Even the Irish were suspect, at least the Catholic ones, which was always a real head-scratcher to me. How could those Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants spend decades, even centuries, at one another's throats, when they all love Jesus?

Not only that, but, at least to my eye, they were all white!

Whoopi will soon enough see the error of her ways, and provide us a grovelling walk-back.

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