Monday, March 21, 2022

How I learned to trust the CIA

I’ve been a fan of the CIA’s World Factbook for a long time. I think their stats on everything from GDP per capita to live births per 100k are as reliable as anything out there. I think the CIA is pretty solid in the data end of things. It’s everywhere else they screw it up.

But that’s likely to change going forward. Check out this CIA website for kids!

Gives ya hope for the future, don’t it!?

But I digress. I happened to be rooting around on the CIA Factbook website, and I found some stats on mobile phone use in various countries. I was surprised to see Ukraine, the poorest country in Europe, enjoyed higher cell-phone penetration than many more prosperous European countries like Germany, Sweden, Denmark… well, most of them, actually.

So in a country where everybody can be a citizen journalist, why is there such a dearth of footage from all the resistance that is allegedly going on in Ukraine?

And it really makes me wonder about this story at CBC right now. Look past the spiffy “Press” kit and you’ve got a couple of guys with cell phones. When any of the really dramatic shit they talk about goes down, their cell batteries happen to be down.

Does their story pass even the most cursory sniff test?

Not in my world.

As I’ve said before, what’s going on here has little to do with Ukraine, which just happens to be the battleground the American Empire has chosen to stage its Waterloo.

Right now, Western “unity” is unravelling even faster than Ukrainians are fleeing their country. We keep ramping up sanctions because that’s all we’ve got.

While the woke militaries of the West were refining their pronoun protocols, the Russians were refining their hypersonic missile technology.

Between that, and the fact those sanctions are destroying the dollar economy as even allies are negotiating work-arounds, it’s over.

Which explains the desperation of the hysterical reporting found across Western media.

They know it’s over too.

Greatest own-goal of all time!

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