Saturday, March 19, 2022

A brief history of Sleepy Joe's warnings to the world

As we all know, America is the undisputed leader of the world.

OK, maybe not the actual "world" world, but the free and democratic world; the "good guys." Being global supremo is a heavy burden. It's a lot like herding cats. It takes a lot of stern warnings to keep a lid on things. Allies and adversaries alike need frequent reminders of who's in charge.

Here's the Biden admin warning its Middle East allies not to play footsie with Bashar al-Assad, the evil dictator of Syria. Result? Assad just wrapped his Middle East Friendship Tour of US allies.

Here's a stern Biden warning to NATO ally Turkey to cease and desist ignoring previous warnings, or else!
Result? Business as usual.

Even before he took the oath of office, Sleepy Joe warned India against buying weapons from Russia. Result? India still buying Russian weapons. Also ignores Biden warning not to buy Russian oil by buying Russian oil.

Here's Biden warning China of consequences for support of Russia. Result? China still supporting Russia.

Here's Biden warning the European allies a year ago that America is back. How's that working out for them?

Iran has of course been thumbing their nose at US warnings since 1979, and life goes on.

And here's the most ominous Biden warning of all, warning Putin against invading Ukraine. Result? Putin invades Ukraine.

I think I'm starting to detect a pattern here. Maybe Sleepy Joe isn't the right guy to be leading the world.

Uncle Sam has a serious credibility deficit, and it's making the world a more dangerous place.

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