Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Ukraine border guards block escape for trans women, told to stay and fight like men

A few weeks ago a CBC team on the ground in western Ukraine discovered racism among Ukrainian border guards. Apparently they were prioritising the evacuation of white Ukrainians over non-white non-Ukrainians.

Well, it gets worse, if such a thing can be imagined.

Not only are those border guards racist, they are trans-phobic to boot!

As Ukrainian women and their children flee the country at the rate of a million per week, trans women are denied passage, and instead forced to endure micro-aggressions and humiliations before being told to go home and fight for their country.

This is a vivid demonstration of how culturally backward Ukraine is. The reprehensible lack of sensitivity around gender identity is truly appalling for a society we supposedly stand with. The archaic idea that having a dick makes you a dude, long debunked in more progressive societies, still has a grip on the minds of these primitives.

Here’s a brief history of pride parades in Ukraine. Participants are typically vastly outnumbered by the phalanx of policemen lining both sides of the parade route to protect them from their fellow citizens.

Shared values? Not so much.

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