Sunday, January 7, 2018

Ontario economy in full collapse after minimum wage hike

It is doing no such thing, but you could be forgiven for believing otherwise based on the hysterical stories on view at CBC, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, National Post and others. After a full week of the new minimum wage, the told-you-so crowd are ecstatic that they can find examples of minimum wage employers cutting back hours and benefits for their workers.

In reality, of course, one week and a few scary stories isn't enough to draw conclusions one way or the other. What this caterwauling obscures is that by not addressing the issue of a liveable minimum wage, we would be legitimizing the perpetual immiseration of the working poor. How is that even remotely justifiable in one of the wealthiest countries in the world?

Never mind justifying it; how can we even contemplate such a thing?

Obviously, if your business model is dependent on keeping your employees toiling in poverty, you've got a profoundly flawed business model.

Case closed.

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