Saturday, January 20, 2018

Under pressure

Five years ago this month the Farm Manager bought herself an Instant Pot. That made her an "early adaptor" of what's since become the biggest selling kitchen gadget on Amazon.

The gizmo sat in the pantry waiting for its inaugural test drive, and then a couple of months later the Boston Marathon thing happened. That totally put the FM off pressure cookers. It's sat in the pantry, unopened, ever since.

On hearing that tale my pal Mac observed that she should be OK as long as she's not cooking with nails.

Anyway, it sat in the pantry for years, unopened. Until today.

First she did up a turn of rice. Took twenty minutes and turned out super fluffy. The best-cooked rice I ever tasted.

Then she took a stab at hard-boiled eggs. We've been helping the local economy by buying eggs from free-ranging hens from one of the neighbours. Hell, if they ranged a little further they could just drop the eggs right in our barn and we wouldn't even have to pay for them!

This arrangement has gifted us an abundance of eggs. I'll whip up a batch of my killer egg salad once a week or so, and we're getting into pickled eggs. If that works out you may find a jar of Farm Manager brand pickled eggs at a farmer's market near you in the near future.

If that's not enough, she then turned out the tastiest chicken vindaloo you can imagine. From into the pot to down the gullet in no more than half an hour. I swear, this gizmo is a genius invention!

It's led to a rethink of our retirement plans. We're gonna give Hoonan the Iranian a run for his money on the food truck scene. Give the FM three or four of these Instant Pots in a food truck and we'll be rocking the Toronto street-food landscape in no time!

Chicken vindaloo on a bun. Lamb vindaloo on a bun. Chilli on a bun. Seafood chowder... on a bun?

We'll have to work out the details, but I think we've got a winning plan here.

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