Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy birthday Mrs.Kipling!

I guess when you're born on April Fool's Day, life is a joke that just keeps on giving!

Not that being Mrs. Kipling has been much of a joke. My old pal Kipling is a stand-up guy, but the job of being his Mrs. could not have been easy. If I happen to outlive them I'll write a book... it'll be a best-seller for sure.

Funny thing about Mrs. Kipling is she seems to keep getting sharper as she gets older. She's gotta be closing in on what used to be called "retirement age," but you'd never know it by the cigarette and doobie consumption. Not that long ago she lost a good job she'd had for years, because the place closed down, and before you could organize a pity party she landed in a better one.

They say that behind every great man there's a woman reminding him of what an asshole he is. I'm not saying Kipling is a great man, but he's definitely a larger-than-life character, and it's been Mrs. Kipling who has kept him tethered to the real world.

And between the two of them they raised up two of the most amazing over-achieving young adults you'd ever want to meet.

Happy birthday!

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