Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Only Kamala can save us now

There were a few faces missing when King Bibi addressed Congress last week. Over 100 Dems and one Republican absented themselves from the orgy of arse-licking that erupted as American lawmakers showered The Greatest Leader Since Moses with 58 standing ovations during a 54 minute speech. And what a speech it was! The USA and Israel, together, will save the civilized world from barbarism! USA! USA! USA! The fact of the matter is Netanyahu’s war on Hamas, after ten months, has been a disaster for Israel, and bringing in the Americans is seen as the best possible strategy for a face-saving victory. Speaking of barbarism, there was a raucous debate in the Knesset yesterday about whether anal rape of Palestinian prisoners was an acceptable interrogation tool. Civilized society ain’t what it used to be! I have speculated that drawing the US into a direct confrontation with Iran may not have the salutary effect the American Exceptionalists imagine. As a certain V. Zelensky is finding out the hard way, America still barks like a Big Dog, but the bite… well, that’s not so impressive anymore. No less an expert than Joint Chiefs of Staff supremo General C.Q. Brown has admitted as much. The humiliating clown show in Congress last week demonstrated that a majority of America’s elected representatives are willing and eager to follow the Greatest Leader over the cliff. Biden and Trump have been having a competition to see who can be a better Zionist. That’s what gives Netanyahu the confidence to assassinate the political leader of Hamas - the very man he has allegedly been negotiating the release of the hostages with. That’s why Kamala’s snub of Netanyahu was perhaps the last flicker of light in a rapidly enveloping darkness. Kamala, you may be an empty vessel, untested and untried, but you are America’s last hope for sanity. May God have mercy on us all.

Monday, July 29, 2024

F*ck Trudeau

If you live anywhere in Canada, you’ve seen those F*ck Trudeau flags everywhere. The asterisk is replaced by a maple leaf, but everybody knows nobody’s talking about fick, fack, or feck. Nope, they’re saying Fuck Fluffy! And why do so many Canadians have such strong feelings about our esteemed PM? Because the Canadians who fly those flags were grievously insulted when their Prime Minister declared they had unacceptable opinions. Yes, it’s a free country with free speech and all that good stuff, but when your government gifts you freedom of speech, you gotta know there’s some responsibilities that go along with that freedom. Responsibility #1 is never bite the hand that feeds you. Disparaging, mocking, or even questioning Dear Leader is strictly verboten. That’s why PM Fluffy invoked the War Measures Act. The name has been changed, but the purpose remains the same; impose war-time powers to stifle dissent and punish dissenters. And, clearly, Canada was deep into an existential war in early 2022. Dozens of big rigs had illegally parked in downtown Ottawa. Sometimes they tooted their horns at night, which caused extreme trauma to the work-from-home civil servants who were desperately hoping their next Zoom meeting wouldn’t be interrupted by a random truck toot. So, just like his Daddy invoked the War Measures Act, back in the day when FLQ terrorists were murdering foreign diplomats, to save our democracy, Justin was forced to impose the Emergency Act to spare those lap-top warriors the inconvenience of interrupted sleep. Thankfully, that egregious bit of over-reach raised enough eyebrows that eventually a public inquiry was held. Here are some of the headlines that ensued. From the CBC; Ottawa's use of Emergencies Act violated Charter. From the National Post; Invoking Emergencies Act ruled unconstitutional. From the Globe & Mail; Invoking Emergencies Act wasn't justified and violated Charter rights, court rules. Even foreign news sites picked up on Fluffy’s dictatorial impulses. Here’s the Guardian; Judge rebukes Trudeau for use of Emergency Act. Do you detect a pattern in the reportage? This is some serious shit we’re dealing with. Violating the Charter? Unconstitutional? Those are the signs a democracy is slipping into fascism. Here’s my question. All those headlines came out in January of 2023. In the year and a half since, how much discussion have you seen in any of those media platforms about Canada’s drift towards totalitarianism? None whatsoever! But here’s a guy who’s still newsworthy; Pat King! Yup, the alleged mastermind in this plot to undermine Fluffy is still going through the court system. Let that be a lesson to any other wise guys who want to disagree with PM Fluffy! Violating the Charter of Rights is small potatoes compared to encouraging illegal parking. Many of us disagree. That’s why you see those F*ck Trudeau flags clear across the land.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Democracy for the rich

As a news junkie sometimes you risk over-dosing on the amount of bullshit coming your way. Yesterday was one of those days. First up, you had the Greatest Leader since Moses favour his acolytes in Washington with a speech in congress. Oh my, how the assembled lawmakers strained to touch the hem of his raiment! It was as though the Messiah himself was among them! Meanwhile, most of the world sees Netanyahu as a mass murderer and a war criminal. What does yesterday’s spectacle do to America’s reputation in the world? And we’re not just talking about the so-called Global South. The Gaza genocide is decidedly unpopular even in many of Borrell’s “Garden” countries. Yet there goes congress making an obscene display of celebrating the war criminal. Then we had poor Joe come on and give a pathetically unconvincing pitch about how resigning was his idea and his alone, and he did it to save democracy. Sorry Joe, I’m not buying it. Your handlers hung you out to dry, Joe. Used you and have now tossed you aside. I feel for you Joe. Was this sudden change of fortune the will of the people? No, it was the will a few big donors. That’s democracy in America!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Sudden appearance of Kamala bandwagon means Deep State have picked their puppet

It was getting too hard to pretend their last puppet was running the show. We all knew it wasn’t Joe Biden. For that matter, it wasn’t Trump before that. No, the show is in steady hands, well beyond the reach of the whimsical ebb and flow of public opinion, formerly known as the will of the people. Luckily, American democracy is safely in the care of the large donors. These are serious people with a serious interest in what’s best for American billionaires. Unlike Shmo Sixpack, they’ve got serious skin in the game. Sleepy Joe has gone past his best-before date and they needed a new empty vessel to read the teleprompter. And Kamala is a perfect empty vessel. Look how Black women are rallying around her! As if they have something in common… And look at her record as a “progressive” prosecutor, a record that is currently being invented on the fly. No matter. The would-be presidential candidate who didn’t win a single delegate in the first round of Dem primaries pre 2020, is so close to the Oval Office she can smell Joe’s farts. It is truly a miracle of democracy! And what makes such miracles possible? Big donors! USA! USA! USA!

Monday, July 22, 2024

How "Black" is Kamala Harris?

Apparently the answer is, not very. Maybe 25% at best. Mom was 100% Indian and Dad was Jamaican-Irish. Both parents were super-high achievers, climbing to great heights in the Ivory Tower. There’s a Wikipedia page titled Family of Kamala Harris. I’m surprised the AI algos haven’t cleansed it yet. Here’s a quote; “ Donald J. Harris (Kamala’s dad) wrote in an account of his family ancestry that the Harris name comes from his paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, a land owner and agricultural produce exporter, and that his paternal grandmother "Miss Chrishy" (née Christiana Brown) was a descendant of Hamilton Brown, a plantation and slave owner.” Did you get that? Kamala Harris is descended from slave-owners! That explains her enthusiasm for being tough on Black crime during her career as a prosecutor and AG of California!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Netanyahu and Zelensky will bring down the American Empire

Hardly a month into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Zelensky had agreed to a ceasefire proposal that would have ended the war on condition that Ukraine declare itself neutral and give up its NATO ambitions. At the last minute, Boris Johnson showed up with a message; keep fighting! All of NATO is behind you. We are committed to providing everything it takes for as long as it takes. And don’t forget, the most powerful country in history, the USA, leads NATO and guarantees your victory over the aggressor. Besides, our sanctions from hell will cripple Russia within weeks. Zelensky bought it. What could go wrong when the mightiest military on earth has your back? This was the country, after all, that was so omnipotent it shaped the world’s reality, as Karl Rove put it. This was the country, which according to Michael Ledeen, “ could throw some crappy little country against the wall every ten years or so, just to show we mean business.” And throw crappy little countries against the wall was what they did with depressing regularity. Zelensky should have taken some pause for thought. The mighty empire that routinely devastated crappy little countries had nevertheless just been run out of Afghanistan after a twenty year war against lightly armed religious fanatics and goat herders. In fact, the mightiest military in history hadn’t come out on the winning side of any war in over 75 years. Two and a half years and half-a-million dead Ukrainians later, it has become obvious that the combined NATO does not have what it takes. Maybe in a few years, but Ukraine is out of time. “Whatever it takes for as long as it takes” turned out to be an empty promise. Zelensky put his faith in Uncle Sam, and where has it got him? There’s another world leader who has embarked on a poorly thought-out war on the assumption that Uncle Sam will save his bacon if things go south; Israel’s Netanyahu. Yes, after October 7 Israel had to respond. It could have inflicted immense damage on Hamas in a week’s worth of targeted strikes, but no, Netanyahu decided a full-scale ground invasion was the way to go. Ten months later, this has become by far the longest war in Israel’s history, and Israel is not winning. Israeli media report the IDF is short of tanks, munitions, and manpower. Israeli society is fracturing along multiple fault lines. Most of the world is repulsed by what is by any conventional appraisal an on-going genocide. But Bibi’s strategy at his point is to keep the slaughter going at least till the US election. He assumes a Trump regime will be more inclined to step in when he expands his losing war to Iran. He may be right. Trump is the guy who whacked Soleimani, after all. That’s a very steep gamble. He’s betting the future of Israel on two unknowns. Would America go all-in on a war with Iran? Secondly, would that make a difference? UK and American warships have been patrolling the Red Sea since January in a vain attempt to stop Houthi attacks on shipping. US-allied Arab dictatorships Egypt and Jordan are already struggling with restless populations who demand their leaders do more to support Palestine. Direct US involvement in a war on behalf of Israel would blow the lid off the regional pressure-cooker. America not only has no stomach for that kind of boots-on-the-ground war, it lacks the industrial base to sustain such a war, let alone win it. Back to back humiliations in both Ukraine and the Middle East will bring down the American Empire.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Random insights from the stoop

Did you see where our FM Joly made a surprise kissy-face visit to China? All of a sudden we’re trying to forge better relations? Looks to me like the commies aren’t content to meddle in our politics at the local constituency level; no, they’re trying to manipulate the upper echelon of the Liberal Party! How does that jibe with the gird-your-loins-for-war-with-China mantra that’s been coming out of Official Ottawa for about the last ten years? It doesn’t! That’s just one of the many puzzles I try to puzzle out as I while away the hours on the stoop. It was a good day for watching the buzzards soar. Just the right combination of sunshine and breeze that these amazing creatures could literally soar for hours without flapping their wings. The Zen of buzzard watching. Last night I watched the closing ceremonies of the RNC convention in Milwaukee. That’s when they bring out the heavy hitters. Kid Rock. Dana White. Hulk Hogan. The Orange Ogre himself for the grand finale. The entire spectacle proved yet again my theory that the more remote actual democracy becomes, the greater the importance of Democracy Theatre! And next week will provide a bonanza of food for thought; the Greatest Leader since Moses will arrive in Washington to address the US congress, where he will be treated to multiple standing ovations. That’s hilarious, considering everybody from the far right to the far left hates his guts in Israel. Democracy is a bitch! But I digress… back to the stoop. Once in awhile there’s some traffic passing by. Sometimes it’s a $750,000 John Deere towing another half-million combo of seed-drill and chemical tanks. The big cash-croppers like to bathe their crops in chemicals from seeding to harvest. What freaks me out is how often the kid piloting that train is looking at his cellphone. Other times it just the local youngsters, driving solo to their jobs at the stone quarries in their V8 pickup trucks. You’d think they’d at least car pool. Here’s another mystery. Why do some people who ride Harleys insist on having loud stereos? I’ve always loved the Harley sound. It’s music in its own right. Tonight a guy comes roaring along with CCR blasting so loud coming around the bend I heard John Fogarty before I heard the bike! That’s just not right! Some things just shouldn’t go together. I like getting mellow with a doobie and a beer. I like scenic drives in the countryside. But putting them together wrecks both experiences… and possibly wrecks your car too. So, keep life simple, is my advice. Count your blessings, not your grievances.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

From Leonard Peltier to Wab Kinew: how the hang-around-the-forts have commandeered the Indigenous narrative

One of Canada’s pre-eminent public intellectuals, a small pond to be sure, wrote a book about eight years ago positing that Indigenous Canadians, often colloquially referred to as “Indians,” were poised to make a great comeback. And here we are today, with a provincial government led by an official, card-carrying, Canadian Indian. Wab Kinew, Premier of Manitoba. The ten Canadian Preems have been meeting in Halifax to build a common front against PM Fluffy’s non-stop incursions into areas of provincial jurisdiction, like health care and education, among others. So the CBC headline Manitoba Premier urges Trudeau to move up NATO spending caught my attention. Whoa! What’s this? Isn’t Wab straying into Justin’s lane? After all, national defence is strictly a federal file. What gives? What gives is that the Preems are in a sweat because they’re afraid of a Trump presidency. Trump has made some serious anti-NATO noises, and in order to not alienate Trump, and thereby impair their provincial economies, we should ramp up our NATO contributions pronto. Really? The Farm Manager and I were enjoying the late afternoon sun out on the stoop, and got into a lengthy debate about the state of our education system. I spent 25 years teaching in that system, and the FM still works there as an ed assistant with “challenged” kids. She gripes non-stop that the system no longer serves the needs of those students. Twenty-five years ago there were serious supports for kids. That’s no longer something we can afford. Just one example; the waiting list for one-on-one support for autistic kids is so long, most of them will age out of the system before they get any. But Wab Kinew, who should know a thing or two about kids needing more support, thinks we should bust a nut to hit NATO’s 2% of GDP spending targets. And the Trudeau-Blair brain trust is pushing hard in that direction, at least in their PR. Just during the NATO summit, we heard about 12 new submarines and 90 icebreakers! Really? Between that and our commitment to 88 F-35s and a new surface combatant fleet, we’re looking at perhaps $500 billions in spending! And this while we can’t provide support for autistic kids? While we can’t solve our housing crisis? While millions of Canadian don’t have a family doctor? While food banks and tent cities are ever-growing? C’mon, Wab… you can do better! But maybe it’s not that simple. Maybe there’s a price to pay to sit at the master’s table. The “comeback” might require you to leave your principles at the door. Which brings me to another CBC headline, the one announcing the Assembly of First Nations stepping away from their support for Leonard Peltier. Peltier has been locked up for 50 years after Fluffy’s father, the much celebrated champion of human rights, succumbed to US pressure to extradite him on a very dubious charge that he murdered two FBI agents. In making this decision, the AFN sides with the FBI against the substantial documentation from Peltier defenders. Check out this CBC Fifth Estate episode from 1987. So much for “The Comeback.”

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Trump shot - America's Democracy Theatre shifts into top gear

No soonr was Trump hustled of the stage than the conspiracy theories began to blossom. My favorite is the alleged assassination attempt was scripted by the Trump campaign. It does have an air of plausibility about it. After all, Trump is besties with UFC supremo Dana White, and this does look suspiciously like a UFC plot line. The bad guy gets battered by an extravagantly egregious attack, which instantly turns him into the good guy! Then again, maybe Donny J actually came within a couple inches of a bullet in the brain. I can see the corporate media headlines; “Trump shot in head - no damage reported.” There’s quite a lot of media pundits who have more or less openly lobbied for Trump’s assassination, so it’s equally plausible this “assassination attempt” was a real assassination attempt. Either way, one thing we know for sure is America’s Democracy Theatre has shifted into top gear!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Breaking news from retard world; high rents cause homelessness!

It took a team of researchers funded by the Pew Charitable Trust to unearth that nugget of wisdom. Any team of researchers funded by Pew would have to have multiple Ph Ds on board just to write the grant applications! While I don’t mean to throw shade on their breakthrough discovery, there’s another cohort that figured this out long before the Pew-funded research team, and they did it without a single penny from any charitable foundation. Most of them don’t even have university degrees! I’m talking about every homeless person who finds themselves homeless because they can’t afford rent. CBC has a story on view about homelessness in Abbotsford BC. Sounds like most of the homeless folks actually work! This is the promise of Canada in 2024; work your whole life and then spend your golden years, still working, in a broken down camper in the parking lot of a gas station on the Trans Canada highway. And when you get evicted from that parking lot, CBC will treat you to a taste of fame! Fortunately for my mental health, CBC isn’t just about bad news. Nope! Canada is gonna regain the respect of our allies by building a whole bunch of subs and icebreakers! “A whole bunch” means a whole bunch of billions. Isn’t that great! No longer will PM Fluffy have to hang his exquisitely-coiffed head in shame when he walks into a NATO meeting! A whole bunch of billions means many hundreds of billions we’re spending so we can curry favour with our allies. I personally am not all that impressed with our allies, especially the boss ally, who’s claim to being an actual democracy grows more tenuous by the day. If it were up to me, I’d say fuck the allies, and let’s see what we can do for the folks in that parking lot off the Trans Canada.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Leader of Free World poops pants at major press conference

I meant that title to be metaphorical, but who knows? The presser at the end of the NATO confab was much ballyhooed as a platform that would allow Dementia Joe to demonstrate he’s A-OK to lead the Free World for another four years. I watched it live, and I gotta say the Free World is in deep doo-doo if this senile has-been is running it. Which he isn’t, of course. Which raises the question; if the president isn’t calling the shots in the flailing and failing United States of America, who is? You’d think this question might throw some shade on America’s claim to leadership of the democratic world. When the world’s leading democracy offers its citizens a choice between a senile Dem party lifer and Trump, both of them hostage to the Israel lobby and billionaire donors, what do you imagine the rest of the world thinks? OH YA, WE WANT A DEMOCRACY JUST LIKE THAT!!! I have my doubts. Meanwhile, Team Trudeau embarrassed Canada once again by promising to meet NATO spending targets by… 2032? Well, no point rushing into things… While we’re on the topic of obvious bullshit, how did you like the announcement of a new USA-Finland-Canada coalition to build 90 icebreakers? For Canada’s part, the new icebreaker program will fall right behind the 12 new submarines program announced in DC, which is right behind the Surface Combatants shipbuilding program in the queue of Canada’s military procurement, which was announced in 2010 to much fanfare, and according to the most recent official guesstimates, might float its first ship in the mid 2030s. Going by our track record, I figure we’ll be commissioning new made-in-Canada icebreakers sometime in the first quarter of the next century.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

This post was put behind a warning for readers because it contains sensitive content...

Really? That's a warning that's scared off readers for years. It's appeared at the top of every post I've made for the last ten years or more. Never have I been informed of the nature of this "sensitive content." Everything I write is either reportage on current events, or creative writing. I will admit the "creative writing" category might raise some eyebrows... after all, speculating whether Justin Bieber or Mark Carney or Bibi might be the antichrist would ruffle some feathers somewhere. But I don't know how readers respond to such a warning. If it were me being warned off a website, I would be doubly inclined to explore it in detail. Anyway, I will plod along assuming there's still at least somewhat of a readership for contrarian thinking. And by the way, doesn't it look like Sleepy Joe has come alive in his address to NATO today. America still rules the world and the confederation of bumboys, aka NATO, is more powerful and united than ever! Joe Biden is the antiChrist!

Epic road trips

I've had a few. But before we head out on our adventure, let's define our terms. It's not a road trip if you end up at home at the end of the day. That's called a Sunday afternoon drive, or maybe a day trip. As for "epic," that's the sort of terminology that is defined in the eye of the beholder. If you've never been out of your home town, a foray into the next county could be epic. On the other hand, if you've hitch-hiked your way across the USA, like Lou Reed actually didn't, "epic" needs to look a little bigger than a trip to the next county. Back in the early '70s, me and my old pal Kipling set out on a journey to the promised land, Alberta. That was a thing back in the day. Everybody from Ian Tyson to Neil Young sang about going to Alberta. So we did. It was obviously the land of milk and honey, but first we had to get there. Me and Kipling had just been laid off from Budd Automotive. Budd was the best-paying factory gig in the K-W area at the time. They built frames for full-size cars for the big four. Then the '73 Arab-Israel war hit, the Arab oil embargo followed, the price of gas doubled, and nobody was buying full size cars anymore. Hence the layoff. Kipling came up with the bright idea we should head to Alberta to seek our fortune. For some reason, we had to make this trip in my car, because he didn't have one at the time, or he had one but his wife needed it, and she wasn't keen on moving to Alberta. So off we went in my '69 Dart GTS 340 automatic. Kipling had looked at a map and deduced that our most favourable route to the promised land was to cut out a day of driving by crossing into the US at Windsor and driving through the Midwest south of Superior, which would cut a day off our driving time. Two greasy long-hairs show up at US customs in Detroit with all their worldly possessions packed in their car. Kipling made up some bullshit yarn about how we were heading to Alaska. Long story short, after an hour of interrogation by completely humorless border apparatchiks, we found ourselves heading back up the 401 to take the north-of Superior route to the promised land. That seriously compromised our travel budget. We had pooled our resources, which was about 200 dollars from me and twenty bucks from Kipling, and that Detroit detour hurt. Nevertheless, we ploughed on. We were on the Trans-Canada Highway closing in on the Manitoba border, I was at the wheel, even though I hadn't slept in 36 hours. The highway was straight and flat, perfect for a nap. I awoke to a massive snow berm burying the Dart as it ploughed into the median and ended up on its side. In the middle of the night in the middle of winter in minus 30 temp. While we sat in that ditch, we had a debate about whether to press forward or turn back. By the time you're at the Manitoba border, you're half way to the promised land. I wanted to press forward. Kipling was getting cold feet. But we agreed that before we went anywhere, we'd need to get the car winched out of the median. So we hitched a ride into Winnipeg, the nearest place we'd find a tow truck. Two greasy long-hairs standing beside the Trans-Canada with their thumbs out in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere when it's minus 30... well, that's not an easy ride. After a couple hours freezing our balls off, we finally had a car pull over. It was full of Newfies heading to Alberta to make their fortune. Even though their car was already full, they took pity on us. They squeezed in and made room for us. Newfies are the kindest people in the world! They dropped us off in Winnipeg, where a tow truck driver took us back to the Dart and winched us out of the ditch. By the time we paid him, our budget was down to about thirty bucks. Mind you, a fill up was about ten bucks at the time, so we had some range. To my chagrin, we applied that range to a back-east trip instead of a press-forward trip. Who knows what great good fortune might have awaited us in the promised land? We never got there to find out! To my way of thinking, our trip was a failure. To Kipling's way of thinking, he was having a hoot racing that GTS 340 down the Trans Canada back to Guelph. The budget had run out somewhere around Sudbury, and we were forced into a gas-and-dash. I was asleep in the back seat at the time. I was having a dream wherein I was involved in a police chase down the highway between Sudbury and Toronto. I was in a car travelling at high speed. In my dream I heard sirens howling... then over the sirens I heard a voice, Kipling's voice. Just say we were only doing 60 just say we were only doing 60 just say we were only doing 60... I rub the sleep out of my eyes as the Dart is parked on the shoulder and there's a cop standing at the window. "Seems you were lettin' 'er dangle a bit there, boys," he says. No sir, Kipling says. We were just doing sixty, I offered. He let us go without so much as a speeding ticket.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Boeing admits to criminal fraud in 737 Max crashes that killed 346

If you ask me, that $243 million fine they negotiated is a pretty light touch, all things considered. That’s well under 1% of what Boeing has spent on share buybacks over the last ten years. The $40 billions pissed away on share buybacks served only to plump up the share price, benefitting most of all the senior executive ranks, where a great deal of their compensation comes as stock options. The more they can goose the share price, the fatter their pay packets! Once those company profits are squandered on buybacks, they can’t be spent on capital investments, R&D, or improving the working conditions of your employees. Which is hunky-dory with the corner office crowd, but kind of a drag for everybody else, especially those 346 people who were killed by the greed of Boeing management.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

No NATO membership for Ukraine till they whup Putin!

When NATO supremo Jens Stoltenberg was on Face the Nation today, he reitered current policy re: Ukraine's admission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. There'll be no NATO membersship for Ukraine until they defeat Russia on the battle-field. In other words, never. NATO has been stringing Ukraine along since originally promising a path to membership in 2008. But, shit happens, and one thing leads to another, and before you know it, 16 years have passed. During that time, America, leader of the NATO gang, engineered a coup in Ukraine, that did away with any semblance of sovereignty, and Ukraine has been fighting for the freedom of the democratic world ever since, coutesy of Uncle Sam's credit card. Meanwhile, Ukraine's American masters and their me-too vassals in NATO keep raising the bar on membership. It baffles me why the Ukrainians still put any faith whatsoever in America or NATO. Ukrainians have perished in their hundreds of thousand in a war NATO clearly goaded them into. All along, they were told "whatever it takes for as long as it takes." Turns out NATO's cupboards of whatever it might take are bare. Furthermore, it'll take years before the industrial infrastructure of the NATO nations combined will, maybe, get up to speed. There further remains the distinct possibility that our latest weaponry simply isn't up to snuff. That shouldn't come as a shock when you consider Russia has spent the last 20 years fine-tuning hypersonics, while the West has been fine-tuning their pronoun protocols. We dumb down our math curriculm to make sure everone gets a diploma. In Russian high schools, the math curriculm is more rigorous than first year at MIT. Canada, US, Germany, Britain, all consistently fail to meet recruiting targets for their armed forces. Just the other day, CBC broke the news that the "relaxed grooming regulations" introduced a couple years ago have been a flop. Apparently, the folks into cross-dressing and face tatoos didn't rush to enlist in the numbers expected by the engineers of the Canadian Forces culture reno. That's why we cannot help Ukraine win this war. That's why it's a crime against Ukraine to insist they pursue it.

NATO promises to fight Putin to the bitter end of the last Ukrainian

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg was a guest on Face the Nation today. NATO is “celebrating” its 75th anniversary with a big shindig in DC. You’ll be seeing a lot of Jumpy Jens on the news in the week ahead. Jens assured us that every NATO member was devoted to peace on earth. There can not, however, be peace on earth until Putin is defeated. To that end, NATO members will make numerous commitments this week to ramp up support for Ukraine. We will especially increase our training of Ukrainian troops, and our supply of artillery shells and air defence systems. The AD systems will have to wait till we ramp up production, and that takes time. Ditto for ammo. Years. The good news is we can go full bore on the training immediately! The only flaw in this plan is Ukraine is pretty much out of recruits to train. Besides, NATO has been inflicting their training on the Ukraine military since 2014. There’s a widely held belief in Ukrainian circles that NATO training is bullshit, but they go along with it because they need the non-existent hardware that’ll arrive when new munitions plants are built in the USA. When you bear in mind that the root cause of this war is NATO’s relentless eastward expansion, you’d think Ukraine would have wised up by now that their best interests are definitely not front and centre in DC. Meanwhile, NATO member Hungary’s PM was just in Moscow for a cozy sit-down with the very Putin Stoltenberg promised NATO would vanquish on the battlefield! In contrast to Stoltenberg’s promise of war, Orban, the back-stabbing Putin-appeasing traitor, made the ludicrous claim that “Europe needs peace!” Can you imagine! NATO is not as united as Mr Sec-Gen wants us to believe. The “most successful military alliance in history,” according to Jens, is being successfully demilitarized by their proxy war with Russia. And Ukrainians are paying the price.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Dementia Joe; the sh!t-show continues...

You’d think the embarrassing spectacle playing out in America’s “Democracy Theatre” would prompt more Americans to question to what extent they actually have a democracy. After the 90 minute cringe-fest Joe put on in the Trump debate, he had a softball “redemption interview” with CNN’s George Stephanopoulos the other night. Joe assured the American people he was doing his goodest work, and was firmly on top of his running-the-world gig. According to multiple reports across the spectrum of America’s legacy news platforms, the Dem party megadonors are soiling their bespoke trousers. They are calling emergency meetings in a too-late attempt to contain the damage. When their boy is doing his goodest work while things are clearly going out of control, they’ve got cause for concern. Before you know it, there’s gonna be way more than the deplorables calling out the Emperor’s nudity. While the stupefied American public is slow to clue in, imagine what this clown show looks like to all those Global South countries Uncle Sam keeps wooing into Pax America. Why would anyone adopt America’s model of democracy, which boils down to the rule of megadonors? The choice between Trump and Biden is a choice between two candidates approved by the megadonors. In Canada, we consider ourselves above the venal money-saturated politics we see south of the border. But think about it; are we any different? Sure, we have a multi-party democracy, but those parties, to the extent they have any profile in our national media, all draw their campaign funds from a very narrow deep-pocketed base. That’s why every single Canadian parliamentarian can see genocide in Xinjiang, but none of them can see genocide in Gaza.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

US dumps Ukraine file on hapless patsies in EU

It's beyond obvious that Ukraine has become a liability to the "Nations of Virtue" in their war on Russia. The US-led war on Russia has hit a dead end, and Washington want to wash its hand of it. And here’s the funny part; America’s EU bumboys are picking up the hot potato and running with it! How retarded is that? What we’re witnessing here, is the real-time dissolution of the mighty US Empire. There’s a lot of so-called “elites” all over the EU who have tied their wagons to the grandiose promises of the American Empire. “We are today and will always be the LEADER OF THE DEMOCRATIC WORLD!” Yup… as Clueless Joe pointed out in that disastrous “debate” last week, the USA remains the "indispensable nation” with the greatest military in history blah blah blah… And while it’s difficult to comprehend, well-educated elites in countries like Sweden and Finland still fall for this bullshit! Meanwhile, even as Putin is almost out of tanks, missiles, drones, and every other implement of battle, he nevertheless succeeds in demilitarizing not only the Ukraine, but all of NATO! While US proxies flail and fail in Ukraine and the Middle East, our legacy media continue to bullshit us with tales of democratic derring-do. On Canada Day, the Globe & Mail’s editorial committee treated us to a lecture about how Canada can regain the respect of our allies if only Canadians could make some sacrifices. Specifically, we need to move the Canadian economy to a war footing. That’s right! Fuck healthcare and education and housing and potable water in indigenous communities… we need to massively upgrade our military to face down those authoritarians trying to mess with our democracies! All Canadians must make sacrifices to preserve “our way of life.” I’m not buying it. If you ask me, we’d be way better off distancing ourselves from Uncle Sam and the NATO gang. Instead, we should invest the hundreds of billions slated for F-35s and obsolete warships into housing, healthcare, and education. It’s time we had a government that put the interests of Canadians ahead of the interests of politicians sucking up to Uncle Sam. After all, “democracy,” as last week’s debate revealed, ain’t what it used to be. No wonder the Canadian Armed Forces and virtually every other military in NATO can’t meet recruitment quotas. Who would be foolish enough to die for the “values” NATO espouses today?

Monday, July 1, 2024

Happy Canada Day!!!

It’s all good! We are fighting the forces of evil with our alliance of good buddies, the “Nations of Virtue,” also known as the EU, NATO, or amongst the cynics; Uncle Sam’s bumboys. But it’s all good. The leader of the Free World put on a tutorial the other night about what “democracy” really looks like. It looks to me like an over-the-hill carpet-bagger doubling down on a losing hand. But what do I know? The experts at the die-hard DNC affiliates assure me Joe just had a bad night. We’re not gonna judge the Biden campaign on the basis of 90 minutes of cringe TV, are we? Of course not! Just because Genocide Joe had a bad night in a debate doesn’t mean American Power and American Values don’t rule the world. Forsooth! Look at how our values are enabling Peace in the Middle East! And look at how our commitment to fight Putin to the last Ukrainian has panned out. We’re almost to the last Ukrainian, but Ukraine is still winning! Just a few more months and a few more hundreds of billions, and Putin will be nothing but crumbs in the bottom of the NATO toaster!… Or maybe not… but let’s stay positive! Canada is famous for “punching above our weight” etc. I’m not sure what it’s called when you’re in over your head and no longer landing any punches, but it looks to me like in Ottawa they call that “standing with our allies.” So let us stand with our ally Israel’s genocide, and by all means, let’s put our economy on a war footing so we can help Ukraine save democracy! Or, just for the sake of saving our Canada, lets find an off-ramp real soon.