Saturday, September 14, 2019

$150 oil by Monday?

The situation with that oil refinery in Saudi Arabia is by far the biggest story in the world right now, and it's being massively underplayed in our media.

And not that I'd want to start a conspiracy theory or anything, but do you really think it's "coincidence" that this goes down within a day or two of Bolton's exit?

Insofar as the Yemen war has been a proxy battle between Iran and the USA, Uncle Sam just got put into checkmate.

And that's just the start of his troubles.

Over in the Holy Land, the Greatest Leader Since Moses has got a lot riding on this election. Is it worth it to him to start an unwinnable war with Hezbollah at this moment? To keep himself in power and to keep his arse out of jail?

And how discouraging it is to see Trump choose this very moment to talk up a "Israel-USA mutual defence treaty."

Then America will be obliged to go to war to keep Bibi's arse out of jail.

Now that's discouraging.

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