Thursday, September 26, 2019

Why you'll never win an argument over "microaggression"

According to the internet, the word has been around since the 70's. It's only become a thing over the last decade or so, though. Ten years ago microaggressions were still more or less on the fringes of perception.

Microaggression has gone mainstream. Now it's something they talk about on the CBC, and it don't get more mainstream than that.

What's kind of mind-boggling about microaggressions is that they can be entirely inadvertent. You can micro-attack somebody in all kinds of ways without ever intending to or meaning to or wanting to.

I'm guessing I micro aggress dozens of folks every day without ever knowing it.

Sometimes I think we're just talking about imaginary aggression... but there you go! That probably micro-offended a couple of million people right there!

The reason you'll never win an argument over microaggression is because the very fact that you're arguing is yet another microaggression.


  1. Hey Neumann!
    The term "Microaggression" is yet another weapon of the SJW. It's reminiscent of China's Cultural Revolution (hear an echo?), where intellectuals were forced to confess to crimes they did not commit because these crimes only existed in the accuser's mind.
    The ultimate goal is not to persuade, convince or inform-Hell No!-it's to humiliate. Examine all of the PC mantra and it has the same effect BECAUSE it is intended to.
    In short yes,you nor I will never win Neumann...

  2. It's a mugs game, it is rigged and is based upon invisible abracadabra oogie-boogie stuff only a shaman or diversity counselor could interpret. Ooops, did I just type this?
