Monday, September 30, 2019

American Empire - unprincipled thuggery since 1776

There's a whole lotta hand-wringing going on in polite circles these days about Trump's "thuggish" strong-arming of the recently elected Ukraine PM.

I don't get it. Near as I can tell, thuggish strong-arming has pretty much been Uncle Sam's modus operandi for the past 250 years, at least when he's trying to make nice. If thuggish strong-arming doesn't do the trick, there's plenty of other options on the table: economic warfare, nuclear weapons, the arming of genocidal terror groups, shock and awe...

Let's not kid ourselves. American thuggery had a rich and murderous history long before Mafia Don happened along. Let's not forget the "Ledeen Doctrine;" every ten years or so America has to throw some crappy little country against the wall just to show the rest of the world we mean business.

It doesn't get any more thuggish than that!

So take a pill, America. Your democratically elected leader is just carrying on a time-honoured tradition.

It's business as usual for The Exceptional Nation.

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