Sunday, September 8, 2019

Migrants heading from Canada to Mexico

The particular migrant I'm talking about is the Canada Goose.

They're starting to do their practice runs around here. It's quite a sight to see. Up to three or four dozen geese, a significant number of them having never done this migration thing before, try to make a V formation happen. The Vs are a work in progress. They can turn into Ws and Ys or some ever-shifting combination. They can split up, or they can disintegrate altogether.

This is accompanied by a good deal of goose trash talk, judging by the tone of it. But they'll get it down. They have every other year.

I used to think they limited their migration to about the Carolinas, but I've done a little reading, and it seems a lot of them go all the way to Mexico! Mind you, more and more Canada Geese don't even bother with the migration anymore. They've become urban geese.

I guess what we've got around here is your old-school hillbilly geese. They still like to go south for the winter.

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