Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Canadians need to ask themselves who we think we're standing with when we "stand with our allies."

It's a common cliche when you read what's written about Canada's foreign policy. At the end of the day, we must always stand for human rights and freedom and democracy, and "stand with our allies."

That's what our "allies" stand for?

"Standing with our allies" simply means saying yes to Uncle Sam. If you think that America's role in the world over the past 75 years has been on the side of human rights and freedom and democracy, you should probably do a little more reading.

Case in point; the China threat. Western media have been pushing the China threat for quite some time. Canadian media are no exception. The anti-China op-eds in our national newspaper of record come fast and furious. Chinese commies oh so vile, blah blah blah...

We will stand up against Chinese bullying. We will stand with our allies for human rights and democracy, yes we will! We are so committed to virtue that today dozens of Canadian politicians called for sanctions against China.

Oddly enough, this twitch of conscience comes at the very moment that our Ally in Chief, one Donald Trump, signs an Executive Order promising fire and brimstone if the commies don't mend their human-rights-hating ways.

We're not standing up to China.

We're sucking up to Trump.

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