Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Rule 'o flaw

That's quite a spectacle working itself out there in Ottawa, ain't it?

The Kielburger Kult is in the spotlight as never before. It shouldn't come as a surprise that the Kielburgers are cut from the same societal cloth as Fluffy and Payette and the rest of them.

Morneau had no idea he'd forgot to pay back 40 thou in travel expenses till he and his family sat around the dinner table and went through a few shopping bags worth of receipts.

Sure! Because that's how the multi-millionaire Minister of Finance conducts his affairs...

The Kielburger Kult always seemed a little suspect to me. I've seen the boys in action a few times. They know how to put on a show. And that's all it took to persuade school boards everywhere to let them into their classrooms.

Nevermind that their "development model" was just a rehash of the most retrograde aspects of colonialism. Does anybody with a brain really believe that Kenya lacks the brainpower or manpower to build their own schools?

And nevermind that most of those hundreds of schools the Kult  built never got built. How about a double nevermind for the mysterious "real estate division" of this charity/sorta charity/non-charity that scored that huge contract from PM Fluffy?

PM Fluffy will grace the investigating panel with his vacuous replies to soft-ball questions sometime next week.

I can hardly wait.

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