Thursday, July 23, 2020

Last call for "Full Spectrum Dominance"

That's quite the call to arms Pompeo made today. A "new" alliance of democracies? What, pray tell, is wrong with the old one? NATO, I think it was called.

The problem with NATO is that a good chunk of our "European allies" are good and fed up with always having to march to America's tune. US interference in Nordstream 2 isn't making Uncle Sam any friends over there. That's in addition to the entire buffet of sanctions against any country that doesn't want to be governed from Washington. The French and the Germans and the EU in general are re-evaluating the costs and benefits of being America's "allies."

So what will this "new" alliance of democracies look like?

US, UK, Canada, for sure. Possibly Australia, but they get more bread buttered by China than by US. Maybe Poland. Ukraine, obviously. Not Israel, because they'll keep doing business with China, no matter what their number one benefactor says. Just because they're funded by DC doesn't mean they're governed by DC.

It's bound to be a rather small club, this new alliance of democracies.

Just maybe, independent sovereign nations will look closely at both the USA and China. They will look closely at things like the standard of living, the overall quality of life for the regular people. We may have "democracy," but in China people have homes!

At a time when America is in flames, deciding whether to follow the Chinese path or the American path shouldn't be a difficult decision.

Great time to ramp up the fear factor and turn up the volume on the warmongering... after all, there's an election at stake.

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