Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Democrats determined to gift Trump four more years

On the face of it, you'd think Trump is toast. Less than 100 days before the election, a pandemic is ravaging the nation and the economy is going down the toilet.

So why will Trump triumph in November?

Because the vast majority of Americans understand the difference between "peaceful protests" and rampant lawlessness in the streets, even if many of the talking heads on TV don't.

America may have a shitty public education system, but it has a superb propaganda system. You can't watch a hockey/baseball/football game or a NASCAR race without a load of patriotic hoo-ha to start it off. Americans are indoctrinated from infancy to revere their national iconography; the statues, the flag, the many symbols of American honour, virtue, and heroism. That indoctrination has been going on since the birth of the Republic.

There is no way that level of brainwashing will be undone by letting a bunch of yahoos pull down statues for a couple of months.

Unfortunately for the Dems, they've irrevocably aligned themselves with the yahoos.

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