Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Debt Cliff apologists have a lot of splaining to do

I was watching Wolf Blitzer for a spell this evening and it seems every congressman in Congress has some splaining to do.

Steve Israel took his turn on prime time TV like a man. A nominal Democrat, Israel splained that Obama has a lot of of splaining to do.

And he does. Mainly I'd like to see him splain how any of this nonsense is good for Joe Lunchpail who may or may not still have a job at the American Iron Works plant in Anytown USA.

May or may not?

I'm betting not.

And there is nothing in the ongoing blabfest that broaches the question "why not?"

Hmm... market forces?

The invisible hand?

How about "we made it lucrative for shitbag hedge funders to offshore your job?"

Oddly enough none of the splaining seems to encroach on the sacred territory finance capital has carved out for itself.

America is bankrupt because it is being looted by the too-big-to-fail crowd.

Splain that away, Mr. Israel.

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