Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The fabulous joys of free speech in the comment section

Not too long after I sparked up this blog, back whenever that was, I got an email from Before It's News offering to "syndicate" this blog, whatever that means. Apparently that was going to help me "build my brand" or something.

Had a bit of back and forth with the person who sent that missive. Wanted to make sure they were comfortable with some of my way-out-there theories.

Like the theory that Jimmy Hoffa's final, or perhaps not-quite-final resting place was at a salami factory...

Buddy from Before it's News was happy to oblige. No worries, he said.

So this blog has showed up on their website ever since.

That was before they had a million stories on their website. They're over six million today.

Funny thing is, there's never more than a couple of thousand people viewing their website on any given day, but they've got a total of over a billion page views?..

That's amazing!

I long ago concluded that whoever runs the show at BIN is running a click-bait factory. Nevertheless, I've not made any effort to remove my blog from that site. And as a matter of fact, there must be real sentient people actually reading their site from time to time, because how else would you get a comment like this;

typical bull shett from a leftist commie maggot–falling down..who is the brain dead one,falling down no doubt–oil is organic you fool–it comes right out of mother earth you idiot–there is untold trillions of gallons of it on the earth,a gift from mommy nature you moron–now if you burn it in a way that causes pollution,shame on you–one volcano produces more pollution than all of man made pollution so go figure you brain dead shett head–go crawl back under a rock you maggot

Hmm... alrighty then!

Hey, if you're gonna have free speech, it's gotta be free speech for everybody, no matter how retarded they are.

Carry on, b4!

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