Monday, June 25, 2018

The greatest show on earth

For my money, the greatest show on earth is the never-ending shit-show unfolding in DC. I can't even call it a reality show anymore; it's a surreality show.

Let's see if I've got this straight; the Grand Old Party has been taken over by a rogue, a silver-spoon twat who stands for nothing more than lowering taxes on the rich and boosting, endlessly, America's obscenely bloated military budget.

Yup, the rogue has yanked the tiller out of the hands of the "real Republicans," those dyed-in-the-wool patriots who stand for... lowering taxes on the rich and boosting, endlessly, America's obscenely bloated military budget.

But do not despair, dear American neighbours... the RESISTANCE LIVES!

Near as I can tell, all roads of resistance lead back to the Democratic Party...

You remember them - the party that stands for lowering taxes on the rich and boosting, endlessly, America's obscenely bloated military budget.

Am I missing something here?

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