Thursday, July 9, 2020

Why all the fuss over Trump's tax filings?

Would-be billionaires hire the very best accountants and tax lawyers in the world to hide their financial chicanery. It's an open secret. Remember the "Panama Papers?" Huge story in the mainstream media for about a day or two.

Then it was gone like a fart in a windstorm.

I have a theory about that. Maybe the billionaires who own the world's media weren't too keen on that particular story.

Nothing to see here...

Let's move on to a pandemic or some well-timed social unrest, shall we!

But back to Donny J, or "President Trump," if you insist.

Is there any reasonable person on earth who would assume that there would be a single truthful line in Trump's tax filings?

And this is not a diss on Donald. Would any reasonable person assume that ANY billionaire is filing truthful and transparent paperwork?

I remember when the media reported Mitt's tax picture in the election before last. There was about a two day scandal that Mitten's tax rate on his declared income was less than the rate his housekeepers were paying.

The obvious canard was the word "declared."

At the same time as Romney was generously offering the public a peak into his "declared" income, nobody across the media asked a single question about his undeclared income, at a time when he'd already admitted to having off-shore bank accounts in tax havens.

So I'm of the opinion that the Trump tax returns story will be bullshit from top to bottom and end to end.

But it could well serve as a welcome distraction in these anxious times.

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