Saturday, May 25, 2019

BoJo is Trump without the charisma

What, you didn't realize Mafia Don had any? Keep an eye on Boris Johnson for a spell. You'll see what I mean.

BoJo is touted as the next PM of the UK, at least until the next election. At which point Jeremy Corbyn will most likely take the office. Neither eventuality is going to sit well with the anti-Brexit crowd.

The Brexit hysteria has been the biggest media clusterfuck after Russiagate, with the same tenuous non-grounding in reality. What's really going to happen the day after Britain leaves the EU?

Legions of paper shufflers in both the EU and the UK will have more papers to shuffle. Beyond that, precious little. In fact, there's bound to be a steep increase in employment ops for qualified paper shufflers on both sides of the Channel. This should be welcome news.

Scary stories about the Irish border notwithstanding, life will go on, just as it did after the Y2K hysteria, if you're old enough to remember that.

The EU is on the back foot for many reasons quite independent of Brexit. My father's generation, the people who endured the WW2 at ground level, naturally have an appreciation for the fact that there's been no war on the Continent for seventy-something years.

Fair enough.

But it's also true that what a lot of folks see when they look at the EU today is a bloated bureaucratic behemoth that gets its marching orders from the USA.

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