Friday, May 3, 2019

Vitamin A and the triumph of political correctitude

I see where Moosehead Brewery is in deep shit re their advertising campaign for their Alpine brand.

Full disclosure here; back when I was working at the Irving shipyard in Saint John, Moosehead sponsored my slo-pitch team. We all got Moosehead ballcaps, and a couple of cases of Moosehead product would show up in our dugout every game.

I was a bit of a star on that team. I was the pitcher.

Now, I know that pitching in a slo-pitch league ain't exactly the majors, but nevertheless, I enjoyed my job.

Until the playoffs.

That's when I choked. Big time.

Those softies I'd routinely lobbed over the plate all season were suddenly going wild. As in over the chain-link fence wild.

It was truly embarrassing.

But I still have that Moosehead cap somewhere...

The Alpine brand was colloquially known as "vitamin A" back in the day, as in "let's go for some vitamin A after work."

It's universally known among the working class that begging forgiveness is a lot easier than asking permission. It had never ever occurred to me that this phraseology could be interpreted as having anything to do with getting consent for the oinky boinky...

I stand corrected.

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