Saturday, May 11, 2019


I notice in the "traffic sources" file on my blogger dashboard that I've had a visit from That's an outfit that sniffs out plagiarism on the internet.

As far as I can tell you have to fork out cash to use plagscan. Who the fuck would bother using it on this blog? While I'm pretty sure I've never had an original thought in my life, I'm 100% sure every blog I've ever posted is in my own words.

So what would motivate someone to check this extremely obscure blog for plagiarism?


Maybe it's the CIA trying to finger the foreign agents behind neumann's blog? After all, the think tank here at Falling Downs does take a dim view of that toxic virus commonly referred to as "American Exceptionalism."

Or Mossad. Ya, that's it! As far as I know, I'm the guy who tagged Bibi with the "greatest leader since Moses" label. Maybe they were just checking before my name went on a hit list?

Or maybe it was Putin. He's behind pretty much everything these days.

Or... maybe it was the legal department at the WaPo doing their due diligence before offering me Khashoggi's vacant slot?..

Gonna have to load up the vaporizer and give this conundrum some thought...

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