Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Uncle Sam in checkmate - nuclear war only option

Does anybody think the US-China trade war will end well for the Yanks?

Looks to me like the society that takes a more collective approach is leaving us in the dust. China is well ahead of the US in terms of developing the next generation of high tech stuff.

But thank the Lord America has an ethos of rugged individualism and the second amendment and winner-take-all capitalism. And lots of Silicon Valley billionaires.

Trump, or whoever calls the shots down there, thought it would be clever to kidnap Meng Wanzhou, CFO of Huawei, and the daughter of the founder of the company. So they had Dumb and Dumber take her into custody on a stop-over in Canada, on the charge that Huawei was in breech of some unilaterally imposed US sanctions on Iran.

Why it's up to the US to dictate who can trade with Iran, I'm not sure. By now there's quite a few countries thumbing their noses at the Iran embargo. Russia and China fully intend to keep buying Iran's oil. So will NATO ally Turkey. A number of traditional allies in Europe, once they sort out the logistics of working around the US dominated commercial banking system, will ignore the US ultimatum.

So Bolton and Pompeo talk a lot of threatening shit. They park an aircraft carrier battle group off the coast of Iran. Are the Iranians impressed?

"They make a show of force, we just see targets," was the quote from one Iranian military official.

In Venezuela, the Empire, which has been agitating for regime change in the country for twenty years, recently ran a pretend new president up the flagpole. Nobody saluted.

Meanwhile, on the home front, the country's going down the shitter, but they don't know it, because all their news media will ever talk about is Russia and Mueller and what an asshole their president is.

Other than that, the American sheeple pretty much think everything is hunky-dory!

America has been in decline for some time. The fall can't be too far off.

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