Saturday, September 8, 2012

Blackjack and blowjobs: Sheldon Adelson's plan to save Spain

Hallelujah! Sheldon has saved Spain from the Eurocrisis! Hell, he may even have just single-handedly saved the Euro!

How? By creating 300,000 jobs!

How is he doing that?

By building casinos! Yes, casinos in Spain! What a visionary! Why has no one thought of this before?

Already the usual pinko anti-semitic Adelson-haters are casting aspersions on his Spanish Salvation Strategy.

Oh, but prostitution rates will go through the roof, they whine. What rubbish! Prostitution is a viable career choice. A dozen new casinos in Madrid will create tens of thousands of new positions for prostitutes.

Oh, but the jobs will be of low quality, they whinge. What nonsense! Yes, it's true that Adelson is negotiating for an exemption from minimum wage laws for his casinos, but a job is a job. Making half the minimum wage is still twice as good as nothing!

So carry on Adelson, you are an inspiration! Don't let the naysayers and the back-stabbers slow you down. Once the Spaniards realize the full munificence of your casino plans, I'm sure they'll be thrilled to subsidize your construction costs, guarantee low-interest loans, and waive the minimum wage laws.

The future of the Eurozone hangs in the balance.

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