Sunday, February 2, 2020


Another day, another scary story. Logged on to CBC News this morning only to find out that Canada has enemies, and they're trying to subvert our democracy!

But we should consider ourselves lucky; not only do we have CSIS, the CSE, and the RCMP looking out for our freedoms, Catherine Tunney informs us that "fact-checking and traditional journalism have been helpful so far in debunking and correcting misinformation."

I would expect that when Ms. Tunney was doing fact-checking for her own story she must have seen this nugget. Seems the very CSE standing on guard for our democracy is being sued for libel by one of those "Moscow disinformation outlets" they never tire of smearing.

Consortium News is a bunch of folks who used to work in mainstream media and still would had they not suffered random bouts of integrity. Consortium News was started by folks exiled by Fake News.

Wouldn't you think that's relevant to the story?

Wonder why the traditional journalists at the CBC chose to leave it out?

1 comment:

  1. Now reading Snowden's book-Permanent Record-released September 2019. For a Cole's Notes version, check out both subjects' very long wiki entries. Yes, be afraid, be very afraid!
